Efficient Developer

A software developer's handbook

After 20 years in the IT industry, I thought I already knew everything. When I got my hands on this book, I was pleasantly surprised. I have been working as a DevOps for many years and as a python developer for the last few years, but in the book, I found a lot of good advice on how to improve my knowledge in all directions.

Petr wrote a practical and actionable book packed with great examples. The topics are well organized and I've really learned something new in each one. I highly recommend the book to both beginners and people with many years of experience.

- Tomas Pytel, Python Engineer & DevOps @ IBM, PyConSK organizer and Speaker, The PSF Member.

About the book

Software development is not just programming.

This book will give you the principles, tools and practices to do software development well. It contains distilled knowledge on important software development topics with the focus on web application development in a team setting.

Adopt a senior-level mindset and get a solid foundation to become a development lead!

Read the introduction →

8 Chapters


  • Capturing requirements
  • Using a backlog to organize requirements
  • Creating product and technical specifications
  • Bug management

Development Environment

  • Running software systems for development
  • Development tools
  • The best features of code editors and IDEs
  • Interactive computing for fast prototyping

Code Management

  • Version control systems
  • Working with Git
  • Branching models and code integration strategies
  • Continuous integration and deployment
  • Quality checks and analyzing codebases

Debugging, Logging, Profiling

  • Debugging principles and tools
  • Logging
  • Profiling applications
  • Monitoring

Development Processes

  • Agile software development
  • Scrum and Extreme Programming (XP)
  • Kanban
  • Shape Up
  • Considerations for custom processes


  • Personal and team documentation
  • Development documentation
  • Documenting architecture
  • Creating external documentation and documentation sites


  • Testing mindset
  • Test categorization
  • Test cases and test plans
  • Automated testing and test automation tools
  • Performance testing

Software Estimation

  • Estimation principles
  • Estimating individual tasks
  • Estimating size, effort, and schedule for a bulk of work
  • Group estimation
  • Working with worst and best case estimates
  • Monte Carlo Simulation

About the author

Petr Stribny

I have been working as a development lead, software developer and quality engineer. I obtained a Master's degree in computer science from Masaryk university, but I have been programming since I was 14 (20 years now!).

I wanted to write a book that fills a knowledge gap that many people who start working as software developers have, because they have been focused just on the programming itself.

If this is your first time in the industry as a professional or you have been at it for a year or two, this book will help you to understand the important fundamentals a little bit better. And if not? Ask for a refund.

My homepage →

Two books, one price

Improve your development environment with Command Line: A Modern Introduction, a complimentary $12 book that comes in the bundle.

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